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It has been a very long time since I posted anything on here, but I wanted to share with you some exciting things coming up. I’m walking into a whole new season and time of my life (which is both wonderful and terrifying) and it would be an honor to have you along for the journey. 

In August of 2013 I came back from 11 months on the World Race. Since then I have been searching for where God would have me be and what He would have me do. Several opportunities have come up along the way and I pursued many of them, but one thing after another ultimately fell through. To say I’ve been discouraged would be an understatement. I even got to the point of saying, “Screw this! I’m done!” a few months ago. But I didn’t really mean it. I couldn’t give up the search, because you see, there was this whisper.   

I first heard the whisper about five years ago. There was a soft voice that spoke to my soul and sent this tingle of hope coursing through me that said that there was more to this life. That I was meant for something much bigger than myself. That the joy and fulfillment I got from helping others was a real and worthy pursuit placed there by God. I had always had an incredible desire to travel, but it was now coupled with helping others and serving. This whisper led me to sign up for the race. But it never went away.

The next chapter of my life that God is co-authoring has led to CGA; the Center for Global Action here at Adventures in Missions. CGA is a program that combines community, discipleship, and apprenticeship to further explore and strengthen your gifts and calling. In CGA there are also different tracts to choose from that focus on specific areas of development. In September I will begin the first semester in Gainsville, Georgia enrolled in the Worship tract. 

      “The Worship Track is a learning experience designed for those seeking to focus on knowing and understanding more of the Father’s heart. The track dives into what worship, leading worship, prayer, and arts can look like. You will discover how different aspects of worship fit in the body of Christ and how to be confident in your giftings. You will learn what it means to steward the heart of God in your everyday life as well as in any organization or circle of people you influence. Apprentices will solidify their identity in the Father and walk out the heart of worship every day.”

I will be enrolled in the Sons and Daughters tract in Guatemala for my second semester. 

“Jesus said it himself, “Let the little children come to me…” There are a projected 153 million orphans in the world, many of whom have never experienced the Father’s love or realized that he has a plan and purpose for their lives. In the Sons and Daughters Track you will gain an understanding of the most effective ways to help these children know who they are as sons and daughters of God and how to help them walk out their unique purpose. You will live in Antigua, Guatemala and have the opportunity to partner with the staff at the AIM base as they serve and disciple in local orphanages.”


I am very excited to see what God does in this next year, and I would ask that you please continue to pray for me as I step forward in this. I also need to raise $8,950 to cover the cost of the two semesters. If you feel led and would like to donate to to my training with Adventures in Missions, please click on the Support Me link on the left side of this page. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at [email protected]

Thank you!

 “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.”  -Acts 20:24