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You know that feeling you get when you’re about to do something crazy, maybe even a little risky, and something inside you is screaming to slam on the brakes? I get that feeling a lot. 

It’s called fear. It can be a good thing to save us from harm or injury, but it can also be something that holds us back from growing and experiencing everything God has for us. 

This past week, out of nowhere, I was assaulted by thoughts of fear. The reality was that I was getting ready to get on a plane and head to Georgia to begin another chapter of my life with Adventures in Missions.

However, it felt more like standing on a high-dive backwards, blindfolded, and hoping against hope that there was water in the pool. There might have even been a shark down there. I don’t know. All kinds of thoughts were swirling in my head; 

“This is gonna hurt…”

“You don’t want to go into that place of vulnerability again…”

“You aren’t worth the time of day.”

“No one wants to help you.”

But that isn’t true. The truth is that God is bigger than the fear. And what’s more is He doesn’t want us to have a spirit of fear. We’re not to stay in a place of anxiety or worry, but boldly press in and with His help move past the fear.

 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” –Isaiah 41:10


Personally, when I find myself getting fearful, it is often a good sign that I am on the right track. The opposition that I hit in the what-ifs and general lack of confidence in myself, my abilities, and the plans that have been laid out for me are like potholes sent to trip me up. 

So as I walk forward into this next season at the Center for Global Action, I want to walk boldly and courageously into what He has for me. To not let doubt or fear of failure hold a place in my heart.